
EMF Guru

Empowering people to protect themselves
from overexposure to EMF radiation.

EMF Resources

EMF safety organizations, studies, articles, books, videos and products.

The following resources are provided to help further your understanding of EMF and to encourage your own research into the many organizations, studies and media available on this essential topic regarding general health and safety.



The Dangers of Electromagnetic Radiation (EMF) and What You Can Do About It

Martin Blank, PhD


The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation

Devra Davis, PhD, MPH


Why Your Cell Phone Shouldn’t Be Your Alarm Clock and 1,268 Ways to Outsmart the Hazards of Electronic Pollution

Ann Louise Gittleman


5G, Wi-Fi & Cell Phones: Hidden Harms and How to Protect Yourself

Dr. Joseph Mercola

In The Dark

New Ways to Avoid the Harmful Effects of Living in a Technologically Connected World

Jason Bawden-Smith

The Invisible Rainbow

A History of Electricity and Life

Arthur Firstenberg

Dirty Electricity

Electrification and the Diseases of Civilization

Samuel Milham, MD, MPH


Cancer and EMF Radiation

How to Protect Yourself from the Silent Carcinogen of Electropollution

Brandon LaGreca, LAc, MAcOM

Radiation Nation

The Fallout of Modern Technology

Daniel T. Debaun & Ryan P. Debaun

Electromagnetic Fields

A Consumer’s Guide to the Issues and How to Protect Ourselves

B. Blake Levitt

The Zapping of America

Microwaves, Their Deadly Risk, and the Cover-Up

Paul Brodeur


EMF Practical Guide

The Simple Science of Protecting Yourself, Healing Chronic Inflammation, and Living a Naturally Healthy Life in our Toxic Electromagnetic World.

Lloyd Burrell

The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs

How to fix Our Stupid Use of Technology

Nicolas Pineault


Electromagnetic Radiation Survival Guide

Step by Step Solutions: Up to Date EMF and 5G Info – Protect Yourself & Family NOW!

Dr. Jonathan Halpern, PhD

EMF Freedom

Solutions for the 21st Century Pollution

Elizabeth Plourde, Ph.D. & Marcus Plourde, Ph.D.

An Electronic Silent Spring

Facing the Dangers and Creating Safe Limits

Katie Singer



Generation Zapped


Take Back Your Power


Resonance: Beings of Frequency

Public Exposure: DNA, Democracy and the Wireless Revolution

An Invisible Threat: Are microwave radiation waves killing us?

Full Signal

The Sensitives

Biological Impacts

EMFs (Electromagnetic Fields): Cell Phone Radiation Effects on Human Body – Dr. Berg

“The truth about mobile phone and wireless radiation” — Dr Devra Davis

Prof. Martin Pall – How WiFi & other EMFs Cause Biological Harm

Olle Johansson “Health effects of electromagnetic fields”

Russell Witte, PhD: The Body Electric + Microwave Radiation

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt – Smart Meters & EMR – The Health Crisis Of Our Time

EMF Effects: Neurologic and Cardiometabolic – Sharon Goldberg, MD

Diagnosis, Treatment and Reversal of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity by Erica Mallery-Blythe MD

Wireless wake-up call | Jeromy Johnson | TEDxBerkeley

Symptoms of EMF Exposure : Danger of EMF on Humans – Dr J9Live

Rapid Fire – What Brain and Sperm Share and Why Care | Dr. Devra Davis | TEDxJacksonHole

Former President Of Microsoft Canada Frank Clegg: On Safety & 5G/Wireless Technologies

Cell Phones & EMFs Reduce Sperm Health & Testosterone | Dr. Andrew Huberman

How do radio frequency radiation and electromagnetic fields affect human beings?


Sean Parker, Chamath Palihapitiya – Facebook is ‘Ripping Apart Society’

Cell Phone EMF-Blocking Products – A Real World Test

Dr. Sharon Goldberg | 5G Crisis: Awareness & Accountability Summit

5G Small Cell Tower Antenna Outside Our Bedroom Windows

The Wireless Industry Is Lying About Health

Dr. Magda Havas: WiFi in Schools is Safe. True or False?

Science 101: Cherry Picking & Black Swans

2009 US Senate Hearings on Cell Phone Radiation Health Effects

International Scientist Appeal on Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Martin Blank PhD Spokesperson

Smart Attack!

EMF Danger: Basic Cellular Mechanisms, Calcium Efflux & Nitric Oxide

EMFs (Electromagnetic Fields): How EMFs Affect Your Health & Home Optimization

Tracing Magnetic Fields EMF by Karl Riley

Nerve Disrupting Frequencies Radiating from “Smart” Meters

EMF Exposure Is 10+ Hours per Day for an Average Person

Stop Frying Your Brain With Your Cell Phone


IGNIR (International Guidelines On Non-Ionising Radiation)

Center for Humane Technology

Environmental Health Trust

Physicians for Safe Technology

Microwave News


Electrosensitivity UK

EMF Safety Network

Understanding EMFs

Global EMF Monitoring

BroadBand International Legal Action Network

Institute of Building Biology + Sustainability IBN

Children's Health Defense

5G Space Appeal

Americans For Responsible Technology

The EMF Project

Cellular Phone Task Force

EMF Experts

Wireless Radiation Education & Defense

Electric Sense

Smart Meter Education Network

IEMFA (International Electromagnetic Fields Alliance)

The Babysafe Project

The International EMF Scientist Appeal

Canadians For Safe Technology

Scientists for Wired Technology

Wait Until 8th

Stop Smart Meters

The 5G Appeal

Michigan Safe Technology

International Commission on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields


Naval Medical Research Institute

Bibliography of Reported Biological Phenomena (‘Effects’) and Clinical Manifestations Attributed to Microwave and Radio-Frequency Radiation

National Toxicology Program

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services $30 Million 10 Year Cell Phone Radio Frequency Radiation Study

Electromagnetic Radiation Safety Recent Research

A Collection of Abstracts Covering More Than 1,500 Scientific Papers on Wireless Radiation and Electromagnetic Fields

5G: Great Risk for EU, U.S. and International Health! Compelling Evidence for Eight Distinct Types of Great Harm Caused by Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Exposures and the Mechanism that Causes Them

Written and Compiled by Martin L. Pall, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State University


Peer-Reviewed Scientific Literature on EMF Health Effects

Electrical Wiring Configurations and Childhood Cancer

Radiofrequency radiation injures trees around mobile phone base stations

Adverse Health Effects of 5G Mobile Networking Technology Under Real-Life Conditions

Risks to Health and Well-Being From Radio-Frequency Radiation Emitted by Cell Phones and Other Wireless Devices

Evidence for a Connection Between Coronavirus Disease-19 and Exposure to Radiofrequency Radiation from Wireless Communications Including 5G

Source of Funding and Results of Studies of Health Effects of Mobile Phone Use: Systematic Review of Experimental Studies

Impacts of Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Field (RF-EMF) from Cell Phone Towers and Wireless Devices on Biosystem and Ecosystem – A Review

Cell Phone Radiation Exposure Limits and Engineering Solutions

Scientific Evidence Invalidates Health Assumptions Underlying the FCC and ICNIRP Exposure Limit Determinations for Radiofrequency Radiation: Implications for 5G

The Assumption of Safety is Being Used to Justify the Rollout of 5G Technologies

World Health Organization

International Agency for Research on Cancer Classifies Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields as Possibly Carcinogenic to Humans

The BioInitiative Report

A Rationale for Biologically-based Public Exposure Standards for Electromagnetic Fields (ELF and RF)


A Comprehensive Compilation and Analysis of the Literature on Radiofrequency Fields and the Negative Biological Impacts of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Fields (Particularly Radiofrequency Fields) On Biological Organisms

EMF Portal

An Extensive Literature Database with an Inventory of Tens of Thousands of Publications and Summaries of Individual Scientific Studies on the Effects of Electromagnetic Fields

Electromagnetic Radiation Due to Cellular, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Technologies: How safe are we?

The Possible Role of Contact Current in Cancer Risk Associated with Residential Magnetic Fields

Biological Effects from Exposure to Electromagnetic Radiation Emitted by Cell Tower Base Stations and Other Antenna Arrays

Evidence for a health risk by RF on humans living around mobile phone base stations: From radiofrequency sickness to cancer

Neurological Effects of Static and Extremely-Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields

Low Intensity Electromagnetic Fields Act via Voltage-Gated Calcium Channel (VGCC) Activation to Cause Very Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disease: 18 Distinct Types of Evidence

Planetary Electromagnetic Pollution: It Is Time to Assess its Impact

Selected Studies on Electrosensitivity (ES) And Electromagnetic Hyper-Sensitivity (EHS)

Adverse Influence of Radio Frequency Background on Trembling Aspen Seedlings: Preliminary Observations

Effects of Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Fields on Flora and Fauna, Part 1. Rising Ambient EMF Levels in the Environment

The Effects of Radio Frequency Radiation Exposure on Free Radical-Related Cellular Processes (290 studies)


EMR Safety

A curated collection of links to articles on the health risks associated with cell phones and cordless phones, cell towers, 4G and 5G, Wi-Fi, Smart Meters, electric and hybrid cars, and various wireless devices from Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D, Director of the Center for Family and Community Health, School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley.

Spin vs Fact: National Toxicology Program Report On Cancer Risk from Cellphone Radiation

The Department of Interior Charges that the FCC Standards for Cell Phone Radiation are Outmoded and No Longer Applicable as They Do Not Adequately Protect Wildlife

Cell Phone Safety Guidance from the California Public Health Department

American Academy of Environmental Medicine Calls For a Halt to Wireless Smart Meters

Cell Phone Safety for Smart Users

What You Need To Know About 5G Wireless and “Small” Cells

Guideline of the Austrian Medical Association for the Diagnosis and Treatment of EMF-related Health Problems and Illnesses

EUROPAEM EMF Guideline for the Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of EMF-related Health Problems and Illnesses

Building Biology Evaluation Guidelines for Sleeping Areas

Is Wireless Technology an Environmental Health Risk?

'Havana Syndrome' Symptoms In Small Group Most Likely Caused By Directed Energy, Says U.S. Intel Panel Of Experts

5G Radiation Causes ‘Microwave Syndrome’ Symptoms, Study Finds

Study: Wireless Radiation Exposure for Children Should be Hundreds of Times Lower than Current Federal Limits

How the FCC Shields Cellphone Companies From Safety Concerns

Dr. Magda Havas, PhD

Dedicated to the Study of Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) and Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR)

Documents On Wireless Technology and Health by Ronald M. Powell, Ph.D.

Captured Agency: How the Federal Communications Commission Is Dominated by the Industries It Presumably Regulates

5G and the FCC: 10 Reasons Why You Should Care

The Odious Smell of Truth: Corruption of the Scientific Literature Continues

Refugium: Wi-Fi Exiles & The Coming Electroplague

Federal Court Instructs FCC to Review Electromagnetic Radiation Standards

Cellphone Radiation Is Harmful, But Few Want To Believe It

We Have No Reason to Believe 5G Is Safe

Re-Inventing Wires: The Future of Landlines and Networks

10 Ways to Reduce Your EMF Exposure in 10 Minutes

Cell Biology and EMF Safety Standards

France Bans Wifi in Nurseries

France Bans Smartphones From Schools

How to Break Up with Your Cell Phone

Electromagnetic Field Insurance Policy Exclusion Are The Standard

‘Historic Win’ by Children’s Health Defense in Case Against FCC on Safety Guidelines for 5G and Wireless

How Money and Power Dominate RF Research


There are many products on the market claiming to offer EMF protection in a variety of ways. I only recommend products that either directly measure EMF or provide measurable shielding results. The links below will take you to reputable sources within the EMF protection industry for meters, shielding products, building materials and electrical equipment. If you would like some assistance, please contact me, and I will be delighted to help!

Safe Living Technologies

We offer top-of-the-line products to help you find EMF sources & intensities, along with tested & certified products to help you shield against them.

Enter coupon code emf-guru for a 5% discount on your order! 

Less EMF

Specializing in EMF measuring and mitigation since 1996! 27 years of quality service as the global leader in EMF measurement & shielding.



DefenderShield® is a team of passionate engineers, scientists, and health enthusiasts with decades experience in technology health and wellness.


Contact Me

I’ll be happy to answer simple questions through email,
please reach out today to schedule a Certified EMF Expert Consultation:

Remote phone and video call EMF consultations are accessible from anywhere.

On-site EMF measurements are available in Portland, Oregon and the surrounding areas.
